April 24, 2020
Your Outsourcing Partner Could Be Key to Managing Business Continuity: Q&A With MediaMint’s President
In the midst of a pandemic, it’s not like ad operations can just come to a complete halt—even if ad spend continues its downward spiral. Publishers still have to be prepared for the future, because one day—somewhere in the not-so-far-away future—business will once again ramp up. We spoke with MediaMint’s President, Jason Riback about managing business continuity for ad ops during an international crisis. Read more.
Understanding Your Ad-Blocking Audience: A Conversation With Frederick Leuschner, AAX CEO
Leading up to our upcoming webinar with the Acceptable Ads Exchange (AAX), The Revenue Boost You Could Use Right Now—Ad-Blocker Traffic, on April 30, @1PM, Editorial Director, Gavin Dunaway, spoke with CEO Frederick Leuschner about why publishers probably shouldn't increase ad slots, the death of the third-party tracking cookie and an exciting new study out of NJIT about how ad-block users respond to white-listing requests. Read more.
PWA or AMP? Why Not Both?
We can’t even begin to talk about mobile web monetization without highlighting the importance of providing a quality user experience that enables optimum user engagement. The mobile web has long been viewed as providing a terrible user experience with slow-loading pages and poorly positioned and obtrusive ads. At least that’s how it was in the days before Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), two technologies developed to deliver faster, richer mobile experiences to users while saving publishers time and money in developing for different devices or browsers. Read more.
Top Stories
"When we think about who is vulnerable in #adtech, I'd turn the question on its head and say, 'Who's not?'" Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway has been impressed by Richard Kramer, Founder of Arete Research, since he saw him spar with tech-opinion-maker-at-large Scott Galloway and suggest big tech like Google and Facebook were never going to be chopped into pieces. In this interview, they discuss which ad tech companies will survive the pandemic fallout, how Google is becoming more dominant in the digital ad space without even trying, and why publishers’ relationship with Google is akin to serfs to a feudal lord. Read more.
It’s hard to believe it’s only been four weeks of Work From Home (WFH). The good news is that at many companies, this ‘Plan B’ for daily operations is working well. At least that's true at Digital Trends. The publisher is still producing content, delivering advertisers' KPIs, and productivity remains high as they learn some illuminating lessons about what’s truly essential to their business and what’s not. In this article, Digital Trends CRO, Bob Gruters shares what they're doing to keep revenues and spirits high as we all adjust to our new reality. Read more.
This week...
  • Always Look on the Less Grim Side of Pandemic Ad Spend
  • Google Does Struggling News Partners a Solid
  • It's Raining Super-Engaged Users
  • Hard Out Here for a Duopoly
  • Can CTV be Trusted?
Read more.
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