April 16, 2020
Thriving Through a Pandemic: 7 Lessons From Digital Trends
It’s hard to believe it’s only been four weeks of Work From Home (WFH). The good news is that at many companies, this ‘Plan B’ for daily operations is working well. At least that's true at Digital Trends. The publisher is still producing content, delivering advertisers' KPIs, and productivity remains high as they learn some illuminating lessons about what’s truly essential to their business and what’s not. In this article, Digital Trends CRO, Bob Gruters shares what they're doing to keep revenues and spirits high as we all adjust to our new reality. Read more.
AdMonsters Playbook: Mastering the Mobile Web
Mobile monetization strategies are about the bigger picture—a coordinated effort around several distinct digital publishing areas that ensure both better user experience and optimal monetization. Better site performance means increased pageviews, equaling more impressions and ultimately higher revenue. This playbook, created in partnership with Marfeel, will dive into the nuances of each of the areas mentioned above, illustrate how they are interconnected, and assist you in making your mobile web performance the best it can be. Download now!
Webinar: The Revenue Boost You Could Use Right Now—Ad-Blocker Traffic
Ad-blocking users are often written off as “lost traffic” when studies show they can help revenue efforts when given the right incentives. Considering ad-blocking users can average 15% of traffic, that’s potential revenue you should start capturing immediately. This webinar will help you understand the various approaches to re-engaging the highly active, tech-savvy and educated audience using ad blockers, while also examining what we can learn from their behavior in building more user-friendly ad products and sustainable monetization strategies. Register now!
Top Stories
At the 50th Publisher Forum in Santa Monica, Next Management Partners CEO Jimmy Hutcheson—also now the CEO of SPIN—had a candid conversation with AdMonsters Editorial Director, Gavin Dunaway, about private equity and digital media—the attraction to the space, what revenue channels appear most lucrative, and why some private equity relationships with media companies have gone sour. Read more.
With millions of people worldwide now homebound from Coronavirus and screentime increasing exponentially, for those publishers and advertisers that are willing to gamble on an industry that’s comparatively wet behind the ears, odds are esports is a winning hand. In fact, Twitch reports an increased usage of both gaming and non-gaming content in recent weeks.  “We're working with organizations across music, sports, esports, and more as people look for ways to connect with their fans and communities during this time," says a spokesperson from the live streaming platform. Read more.

This week's ad tech news wrap up:

  • Private Equity Looms Over Local Media's Sickbed
  • Insurance Against DSP Defaults
  • Consumers Recognize Brands' Good Deeds
  • Gaming Is Media's Bright Spot
  • Twitter Strips Away Some Privacy Controls,
  • CCPA Enforcement Extension Not Likely

 Read more.

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