April 2, 2020
Essentials for Working From Home in the Time of Coronavirus
So, you’re working from home now? (Go team #WFH!) For some of us, this is simply business-as-usual, but for many more, it’s likely your first time in this situation. With this in mind, AdMonsters brought together a group of ad operations professionals to discuss the unexpected move to working from home during Coronavirus. Plus we provide 13 essential tips to making your WFH transition as smooth as possible. Read more.
PubForum Spotlight: Identity Marketing—What’s Exactly in it for Pubs?
So, publisher—you keep hearing that the demise of the third-party tracking cookie is going to work out in your favor… But how exactly? It’s not like marketers were in love with the third-party cookie either—marketers have long wanted a better solution, and that’s people-based marketing, OpenX and LiveIntent explained during the former’s spotlight session at the recent Publisher Forum in Santa Monica.  Read more.
PubForum Spotlight: We’ve Always Been At War With Bad Ads
Publishers add more ads per page and lower their floors to capture more revenue, hoping to ride things out until higher CPMs return.  Unfortunately, more ads, lower floors, and other desperate moves lead to more opportunities for bad actors to step in. And users will adopt blockers to maintain a quality experience. “Publishers are fighting two battles at once to prevent revenue and user disruption: malvertisers and ad blockers. For the industry to win this war, it needs to win both battles," said Confiant Cofounder and CEO Louis-David Mangin at PubForum Santa Monica. Read more.
Top Stories
Coronavirus is hurdling toward a distressing crossroads. Even though people are more active online than probably ever before, many publishers can’t monetize the traffic because they can’t draw advertiser spend. All the data suggests publishers are going to have a hard time waiting this out till the advertising faucets turn back on. But there is hope yet... Read more.
The first CCPA Class Action was filed against clothing retailer Hanna Andersson and Salesforce and California's Attorney General has modified proposed regulations. And still, CCPA remains just as confusing as ever. That's why we brought privacy expert—Jessica B. Lee, Partner and Co-Chair of Privacy, Security & Data Innovations at Loeb & Loeb—to PubForum Santa Monica to help steer the industry right. Read more.
Self-service ad operations and media sales is really trending right now—Spotify, Hulu and Hearst are all doing it. At the recent PubForum in Santa Monica, Peo Persson, Co-Founder and CPO, DanAds, talked about the latest self-service ad operations and showcased how it could make publisher’s lives a little easier. We caught up with him to learn a little bit more about how publishers benefit from managing their direct sales and workflows with a self-service solution. Read more.
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