February 6, 2020
Turnin' 50 Ain't That Bad
Each and every Pub Forum is an experience. AdMonsters Chairman, Rob Beeler, sometimes wishes we didn’t call it a conference. “The AdMonsters Experience, Santa Monica 2020” sounds pretty cool, no? It’s because of this, he finds it hard to identify a “favorite Pub Forum” or “favorite location." Here’s his attempt to narrow it down. Read more.
Reading the Programmatic Tea Leaves From Google’s Earning Report
AdMonsters Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway doesn't always pay attention to Google earnings reports, but there were some surprising inclusions—and absences—in the fiscal year 2019 that got the ad tech speculation machine humming at full speed. There may be big changes for ad tech on the horizon—read more. Read more.
Unified IDs Up, Cookies Down: Q&A With Index Exchange
The industry doesn’t need a direct replacement for the third-party tracking cookie, and there are already a variety of solutions out there to take its place without mentioning Google’s budding privacy sandbox. To dive further into the many identification options circling around the industry, we caught up with one of my favorite resources on the subject, Mike O’Sullivan, VP of Product at Index Exchange and a key member of the Advertising ID Consortium. Read more.
Top Stories
Most publishers these days seem more focused on culling demand partners and supply path optimization than adding Johnny-come-latelys into their headers, so we were surprised to see Jounce Media report that duplicative auctions are up. However, a closer examination revealed even more interesting trends. Read more about it. Read more.
Are you still mourning Chrome's decision to sunset third-party tracking cookies by 2022? Sheesh, let's be honest—digital media had really reached the limits of the cookie’s usefulness as a stand-alone identifier. Don't believe us? Check out the cookie's insurmountable limitations pulled from AdMonsters' recent Playbook with LiveRamp, Life Beyond Cookies. Read more.
The same factors that enabled programmatic’s rapid rise in the 2010s are poised to change the way advertising is sold and displayed across the growing crop of digital signs on kiosks, taxis, buses, and billboards the world over. The programmatic DOOH revolution’s epicenter, however, will be where the earliest DOOH adoption occurred: sports stadium and arena signage.  Read more.
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