January 23, 2020
The Big Google Cookie Crumble: 5 Sessions To Help You Prep
Google’s recent announcement that it would follow Safari and Firefox in eliminating third-party tracking cookies—within two years—shook the digital advertising industry like an earthquake off the Richter scale. Are you panicking at the idea that the majority of your inventory will soon lack identifiers? Are you hyperventilating about digital publishers' chances of survival? Then you want to grab one of the limited seats at AdMonsters’ 50th Publisher Forum in Santa Monica, Mar. 8-11. Here are five sessions you don't want to miss. Read more.
What is Google's New Chrome SameSite Cookie Policies?
Starting February 4, 2020, Under the Incrementally Better Cookies Policy, Chrome will treat cookies that have no declared SameSite value as SameSite=Lax, restricting the sharing of cookie data across sites. For external access, cookies will need to be set to SameSite=None; and would have to be accessed from secure connections. Read more.
Another Big Win For Privacy: Death To Chrome's User Agent String
While we were all busy lamenting the death of the third-party cookie, we just might have missed another privacy initiative that Google is about to implement. It's a measure to deprecate Chrome's user-agent string. The User Agent string is a string of metadata sent out by your browser when you visit a website. Read more.
Top Stories
A new Yieldmo-commissioned report, "Attention 2.0: Enhancing Ad Measurement Beyond Clicks & Viewability—How Customer Attention Metrics Can Improve Mobile Advertising Outcomes," from Forrester Consulting highlights the glaring gap between what marketers know how to measure in mobile advertising versus what they wish they could measure—and more importantly, how those metrics could impact advertising performance. Read more.
It’s a well-known fact that publishers lose over $1 billion per year from just malvertising alone. That number doesn’t even account for the total sum of dollars lost to other ad quality issues like redirects, non-compliant ads, data leaks and the like. In 2019, ad quality issues were awfully problematic for publishers, but hope for 2020 rests on SSPs adopting ad quality technologies. At least that’s the news coming out of Ad Lightning’s 2020 State of Ad Quality Report. Read more.
Digital TV Research said global revenue from AVOD distribution will nearly triple from $21.9 billion in 2018 to around $56 billion by 2024. The big question: as sea-levels of ads rise and flood the media ecosystem, will anyone actually view or give their attention to ads? “The Advertising Industry Has A Problem: People Hate Ads,” recently declared a The New York TImes headline. Perhaps it’s not ads that people hate, but the incessant interruption of content that ads represent today. Fortunately, there are many business models emerging to enable media consumers and/or advertisers to pay for content in many ways, and some of them offer clutter reduction. Read more.
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