January 9, 2020
This Is How Some Publishers Are Getting Ready For CCPA
If you're thinking GDPR was the warmup for CCPA, think again. It's not even half the battle. Especially not for those publishers who simply decided that cutting off EU traffic was the right play. But for the lot of you who attracts a large international audience, that approach isn't even going to get you half the way to CCPA compliance. We recently talked with some publishers, who did due diligence for GDPR, how to get ready for CCPA. Read more.
AdMonsters Guide to CCPA
2020 is upon us and so is the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). CCPA applies to any company with CA-based assets or customers, including Californians who visit a website and whose data you touch. We’ve covered all of the details of CCPA all of 2019, defining it, explaining it, breaking down its amendments, looking at how it impacts the emerging T/V market, and then we also looked at tools that can help with compliance, like IAB’s CCPA Compliance Framework, as well as ways in which a CMP or CDP can be used for compliance. Here's a look back at all of that coverage. Read more.
2019's Holiday Shopping Weekend Is a Testament to the Power of Publishers in Retail
At Digital Trends, and for publishers generally, Amazon and other online retailers are becoming a large part of an affiliate strategy which is an increasingly important percentage of publisher revenues. Here’s how we managed to drive millions in sales to Amazon and other partners without ever shipping a single product ourselves. Read more.
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Since most people keep their personal email addresses forever, it’s easy to understand why many see the email address as the key to the future of digital marketing and advertising. It can identify audiences cross-device and is people-based in nature. This key to identity and marketing to people is what makes the email hash so important to publishers and marketers. They need to reach known people in a privacy-safe way, and email is the best tool for doing so. Read more.
The increasing shift from linear to digital is rife with challenges—OTT measurement is especially complicated, contributing to ad dollars not exactly following the eyeballs. Plus, tackling the convergence of traditional TV and digital is no easy feat, and there's also no easy answer for complying with CCPA. Yet despite the myriad issues, there is also now greater opportunity for collaboration within the industry with an eye toward solving problems like measurement and first-party data activation going into 2020. Read more.
Thanks to the powers of personalization and automation, push notifications can be a successful revenue source for publishers. With context as a driver—tied to a unique profile— a publisher is empowered to distribute engaging content that keeps their fans coming back for more. They can also provide advertisers with the direct connection to audiences that they crave. Read more.
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