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December 26, 2019
Get Closer to Your Audience: The Value of Push Notifications (Plus, Best Practices)
Thanks to the powers of personalization and automation, push notifications can be a successful revenue source for publishers. With context as a driver—tied to a unique profile— a publisher is empowered to distribute engaging content that keeps their fans coming back for more. They can also provide advertisers with that direct connection to audiences they crave. Read more.
2020 May Be the Year That Ad Tech Runs Out of Easy Answers
One of ad tech’s chief promises was that it would finally fix advertising. The advent of real-time bidding (RTB) in the late aughts ushered in ad tech’s “Age of Easy Answers” where the frustrating ambiguities of marketing and advertising would steadily be rooted out and obliterated by data and algorithms. However, as 2020 dawns and digital privacy is increasingly prioritized over the needs of the ad industry, tech- and data-driven solutions face a messier future and fewer easy answers. Read more.
The Persistence of Client-Side Header Bidding: A Conversation With Smart
The third-party cookie’s accelerating fade makes us ponder the future of client-side header bidding, even if troubles with ID-matching and a lack of transparency and flexibility continue to mar the adoption of server-side bidding. AdMonsters Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway chats up Smart's Lucie Laurendon about the future of the header and the cookie crackdown; whether publishers still need header partners on the page; how publishers should evaluate their client-side to server-side demand ratio; and much more. Read more.
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On the surface, fill rate may seem like a simple enough metric—divide the number of impressions filled by the total number that were potentially available. But in reality, it’s a very difficult calculation to make, particularly with an ever-widening pool of monetization channels. To better understand the role fill rate plays in publisher revenue efforts and what factors have the greatest effect on the metric, AdMonsters surveyed around 60 publisher revenue specialists from a variety of publishers during the month of September 2019. Read more.
It's that time of year again. The time of year when we at AdMonsters take a moment to reflect on everything that's happened in the past year in the world of digital media and advertising. What's that saying again, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it?" Read more.
As the digital privacy revolution grows stronger with the awakening of the California Consumer Privacy Act, gaining user consent weighs heavily on the minds of many publishers. But Ogury Co-CEO and Cofounder Thomas Pasquet argues that consent simply opens the vault door to the treasure chamber of user choice. Read more.
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