December 12, 2019
AdMonsters Playbook: Fill Rate Survey
On the surface, fill rate may seem like a simple enough metric—divide the number of impressions filled by the total number that were potentially available. But in reality, it’s a very difficult calculation to make, particularly with an ever-widening pool of monetization channels. To better understand the role fill rate plays in publisher revenue efforts and what factors have the greatest effect on the metric, AdMonsters surveyed around 60 publisher revenue specialists from a variety of publishers during the month of September 2019. Download now!
Beyond Consent for Consent's Sake: Ogury on Monetizing User Choice
As the digital privacy revolution grows stronger with the awakening of the California Consumer Privacy Act, gaining user consent weighs heavily on the minds of many publishers. But Ogury Co-CEO and Cofounder Thomas Pasquet argues that consent simply opens the vault door to the treasure chamber of user choice. Read more.
Best of AdMonsters 2019: The Top Stories in Digital Media and Advertising
It's that time of year again. The time of year when we at AdMonsters take a moment to reflect on everything that's happened in the past year in the world of digital media and advertising. What's that saying again, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it?" Here's a selection of the most-read stories on AdMonsters in 2019, covering everything from the cookieless future, to the new GAM auction logic to Vast 4.1 and more. Read more.
Top Stories
It's been a turbulent year for digital media and advertising. But this industry is a resilient one. As each new issue comes lobbing toward us, we manage to smash that sucker over the net. This year has been no different. These are the hidden gems we published in 2019, featuring advice on experimenting with timeouts to increase bids to developing a programmatic checklist for clients to how to survive a life without cookies—plus a whole lot more. Read more.
As the main feeder exchanges settles at three—GAM, Amazon's Transparent Ad Marketplace (TAM), and Prebid—there’s a great deal more murkiness in the middle; even more cross-pollination as SSPs pine for advertiser spend and DSPs tighten their bonds with premium publishers. The question of “how many intermediaries are actually necessary?” is ringing louder than ever, and to some extent SSPs and DSPs are trying to usurp each other’s positions as there may not be room for both parties. The thing is, they should both squarely have their sights on pleasing publishers. Read more. Read more.
Ops is sexy. Ops is people. Ops is community. If you ever attended an AdMonsters Publisher Forum, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't—sorry for ya 😢. The 3.5 days brings together a small select group of publishers and ad tech vendors to discuss the latest happenings in digital media and advertising. We feature some highlights in this Publisher Forum Scottsdale Photo Gallery. Check it out.
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