October 10, 2019
Chasing Down the Runaway Media Sales Train
Life comes at you fast—in no area is that truer than media sales. As a guide to keep pace with this runaway train, CloudSense has assembled “The Modern Media Executive’s Playbook,” which lays out not only the fallout from fragmented media consumption but also strategies for grasping new revenue opportunities while streamlining operations. Before our webinar on injecting agility into your revenue operations on Oct. 16 at 11 am EDT, I caught up with CloudSense VP of Media Solutions Stuart Schauman. I got him to expand more on reducing tech-stack complexity, transforming the role of publishers in clients’ minds, and just what it means to give your revenue a shot of agility. Read now. 
Survey: What's Getting Your Fill Rate Down?
Fill rate is a crucial metric for publishers, who are constantly tracking all the factors that affect it. But which factors matter the most—ad quality? Floor levels? This quick survey aims to find out. Read more.
How Publishers Can Stay Ahead in the Changing Digital Landscape
2020 is bringing changes to data, privacy, and transparency, and publishers are faced with navigating an uncertain future. With Google's unified pricing rules and move to first-price auctions, new (and upcoming) data and privacy regulations, and the potential of a cookieless ecosystem, publishers are feeling the pressure to adjust their business strategies to continue to grow revenue. At Publisher Forum Vancouver, there were four themes that dominated our conversations with publishers. Read more.
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Increasingly, mobile isn’t just consumers’ first choice for media, but their only choice. Consider that 61% of Gen Z consumers believe watching videos on a phone is “as good as watching TV.” And according to recent research from Zenith, consumers are expected to increase their mobile internet usage to 930 hours a year by 2021, compared with 800 hours this year. Yet somehow mobile creative remains an afterthought while meeting business objectives often wins out over users' needs. To help shed some light on how both goals can be achieved, we spoke with UnSun Lee, VP Global Creative, GroundTruth, to learn about seven ways to make your mobile ads not suck. Read more.
If you were to ask 10 people at a tech conference what the difference between a distributed ledger and a blockchain are, you’re bound to get 10 completely different answers—especially since most people often think they are one and the same. In digital advertising, the sovereignty of a blockchain isn’t required to track impressions, counter ad fraud or help consumers regain control of their privacy. Thus the work required to set up a blockchain and maintain consensus isn’t worthwhile. Simple permissioned ledgers will do the job just fine. These ledgers, and the data within them should be operated by parties that buyers of media trust. Read more.
News flash—context matters! Increasingly, advertisers are realizing the impact of great user experiences on their spend. According to a recent Group M study, ads appearing in quality online environments prove 42% more cost-effective based on engagement, viewability, and dwell time. The pressure on publishers to deliver premium inventory is only heating up, especially as limitations on third-party cookie usage increases. Nowhere does this ring truer than in the world of video, where an awesome UX is dependent upon data and a poor UX can lead directly to failure. On October 17, 2019, enjoy a night of beverages, hors d'oeuvres and networking with your local agency and publisher peers, as well as an insightful discussion about the importance of user experience in advertising for both sellers and buyers. Register now.
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