October 3, 2019
Ad Quality Climbs the Ladder as Clean.io Syncs Deal With Xandr
The question long asked at AdMonsters events: why does the ad quality burden fall solely on publishers? Fortunately, that weight is finally being shared by others in the supply chain. Slowly but surely, exchanges and SSPs are starting to take responsibility when it comes to supporting ad quality in the ecosystem. The latest example comes from AT&T's ad-tech arm Xandr, which just announced the deployment of Clean.io's technology across its marketplace. Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway caught up with Founder and CEO Matt Gillis to find out what turned Xandr on to Clean.io; how the company differentiates its offering through "behavioral analysis"; and when the DSPs will finally do their part to ensure better ads flow through the pipes. Read more.
Survey: What's Getting Your Fill Rate Down?
Fill rate is a crucial metric for publishers, who are constantly tracking all the factors that affect it. But which factors matter the most—ad quality? Floor levels? This quick survey aims to find out. Take the survey.
Webinar: Injecting Agility to Seize New Revenue Opportunities
An ever-shifting digital advertising landscape offers challenges aplenty for publisher revenue professionals—but it also brings countless opportunities to boost the bottom line. Taking advantage of these openings requires flexibility in your operations—how can you inject agility into your team and tech to realize your revenue potential, manage margins, and ensure customer success? How can an order management system open up new opportunities and flexibility for the business? On October 16, 2019, a panel of ad operations leaders joins forces to debate how revenue operations can lead the way in capturing new revenue for the business. Register now.
Top Stories
Amanda Martin, VP of Enterprise Partnerships at Goodway Group, always knew she wanted some kind of future in advertising but it was the technology innovation that kept her there. During her keynote address, “Pubs and Agencies: Strange Bedfellows, Strategic Partners” at Publisher Forum Scottsdale on Monday, November 4, 2019, Martin will discuss how clients, agencies and publishers can team up to hit those curveballs out of the park. Read more.
Remember the Sizmek debacle? This awkward state of affairs really got me thinking about the word “partnership” and how disposable a word it has become in our industry, says AdMonsters Chairman, Rob Beeler. Someone can have 10-to-15 header-bidding “partners,” but all that means is you’ve got contracts with that number of companies. If one doesn’t perform, they are out, easily replaced with another. I know for many companies, they aren’t even reading or negotiating those agreements—sign and wait for a check. But what would the industry look like if publishers and vendors were true partners working toward the benefit of one another in the industry-at-large? That's what Beeler's been contemplating, especially as we hurtle towards a cookieless future. Read more.
News flash—context matters! Increasingly, advertisers are realizing the impact of great user experiences on their spend. According to a recent Group M study, ads appearing in quality online environments prove 42% more cost-effective based on engagement, viewability, and dwell time. The pressure on publishers to deliver premium inventory is only heating up, especially as limitations on third-party cookie usage increases. Nowhere does this ring truer than in the world of video, where an awesome UX is dependent upon data and a poor UX can lead directly to failure. On October 17, 2019, enjoy a night of beverages, hors d'oeuvres and networking with your local agency and publisher peers, as well as an insightful discussion about the importance of user experience in advertising for both sellers and buyers. Register now.
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