July 18, 2019
AdMonsters Meetup Recap: Electrifying Email Strategies
At the recent AdMonsters Meetup: Electrifying Email Strategies, powered by Powerinbox, we dug deep into the weeds with Anthony Viglietti, COO & CFO, theSkimm; Leora Schachter, VP, Digital Products, Trusted Media Brands, Inc.; and Sasha Heroy, Senior Directory, Ad Platforms, The New York Times to learn all about their email newsletter strategy and monetization.  Read more.
In Email We Trust
Consumer trust in social media is greatly waning thanks to the fake news outbreak. It only makes sense that audiences are now turning back to trusted publishers, but they’re doing it in an interesting way. Rather than visiting the home page of their favorite publishers, they’re subscribing to their email newsletters. Adn that trust is extending to their advertising partners as well. Read more.
Publisher Forum Vancouver—More Speakers Announced—Early Bird Ends Friday, July 19
Register by July 19 to save on your seat for the digital media conference your ad ops and revenue peers are all attending, August 18-21, in Vancouver, BC. There'll be great keynotes including Ryan Pauley, CRO, Vox Media, talking about how publishers can build diverse businesses, and Marketing Strategy, Emerging Technology & Innovation Consultant, Jeremy Lockhorn discussing the implications of 5G on our interconnected future and what that means for ad tech and publishers' digital revenue efforts. Plus, a host of other topics focused on maximizing revenue and stepping up your game. Read more.
Top Stories
Visitor Relationship Management presents an opportunity for quality publishers to stop thinking in vertical, siloed ways about competing adtech, data, privacy and audience fiefdoms and priorities.  Instead, VRM is a horizontal approach to thinking about the visitor relationship, revenue and experience. Read more.
In-housing—programmatic and creative—and social responsibility campaigns were the hottest brand issues at the 2019 Cannes Lions festival. Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway shares his discoveries in each category... While warning yacht-goers about rogue saxophonists. Read more.
As the word “Addressable!” echoed from beach to yacht to luxury suite across La Croisette in Cannes, a solidly digital friend asked me, “What does that even mean?” I smirked and replied, “It’s a TV industry term for what digital people consider programmatic TV-buying, and it looks like digital is… Read more.
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