July 11, 2019
The Future of Email Monetization: A Conversation With Powerinbox’s Jeff Kupietzky
We’ve been hearing about the death of email for a really long time now. But that’s not the case, says Jeff Kupietzky, CEO at PowerInbox, which brings publishers and advertisers together to monetize email and engage this captive audience. "Email is still the most effective channel for converting customers and reaching an engaged audience," he shares. "Email uniquely allows a direct connection with an end-user in a world where Facebook and Google have limited how much traffic to send back to publisher sites." And, with programmatic and native in the inbox, the ability to target and improve engagement has never been better. Read more.
Fill Out The 2019 North American Publisher Salary Survey
The 2018 North American Publisher Salary Survey was enlightening while also surprisingly heartening—despite far-reaching dread about industry consolidation and the effect of data privacy regulations, respondents were quite upbeat about their job prospects, current roles, and the growth of their revenue teams. But does the same hold for 2019, especially when media layoffs dominated the news? You tell us—fill out the survey today. Entries close Friday, July 12 at 11;59 PM, ET. Read more.
AdMonsters NYC Meetup: Electrifying Email Strategies 
The inbox is hotter than ever. Consumer desire for curated and personalized content delivered in a straightforward fashion has powered the rapid rise of startup e-letters like TheSkimm and The Hustle. At the same time, long-established publishers are responding to increased email engagement by diversifying their offerings. Despite renewed interest and ad-serving advances, the email landscape remains seriously under-monetized terrain. This meetup brings together a diverse group of publishers to talk candidly about their successes and challenges in ramping up email monetization. Sign Up.
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Are programmatic demand vendors becoming an endangered species like the Sirocco Kakapo parrot? Well, if they're not careful they just might be. Many SSPs aren't giving publishers the data they need to optimize their programmatic yield and meet revenue goals. Ad-Juster's Programmatic Scorecard evaluates the top 10 programmatic demand partners based on how well they meet the essential data publishers need to grow their businesses. Read more.
“The average user scrolls through 300-feet worth of news feeds every day—that’s the height of the statue of liberty,” explains Ryan Pauley, CRO of Vox Media, citing one of his favorite statistics. “How do you build a relationship with consumers when your primary way of reaching them gives you only 1.5 seconds to do it?” The answer? You earn it. During his keynote address, Earning It, at the Publisher Forum in Vancouver on Monday, August 19, 2019, Pauley, will examine how publishers can build diverse businesses, develop long-term client partnerships, and push the industry forward. Read more.
As loath as we are to surrender to the “Year of” superlative in the digital advertising space, it’s quickly looking like 2019 is the year of connected TV. Talk at both AdMonsters Ops and Cannes Lions were dominated by the subject, and a new report from advanced video ad server Extreme Reach suggests that nearly half of all video moving through its platform is headed to connected-TV devices. Read more.
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