July 3, 2019
Convergence at Last: Addressability Is the Good Word in Cannes
As the word “Addressable!” echoed from beach to yacht to luxury suite across La Croisette in Cannes, a solidly digital friend asked me, “What does that even mean?” I smirked and replied, “It’s a TV industry term for what digital people consider programmatic TV-buying, and it looks like digital is going to have to adopt it in order to drag linear people into the future." Read more.
Extreme Reach: CTV Accounts for Half of All Video Impressions
As loath as I am to surrender to the “Year of” superlative in the digital advertising space, it’s quickly looking like 2019 is the year of connected TV. Talk at both AdMonsters Ops and Cannes Lions were dominated by the subject, and a new report from advanced video ad server Extreme Reach suggests that nearly half of all video moving through its platform is headed to connected-TV devices. Read more.
Fill Out The 2019 Publisher Salary Survey
The 2018 North American Publisher Salary Survey was enlightening while also surprisingly heartening—despite far-reaching dread about industry consolidation and the effect of data privacy regulations, respondents were quite upbeat about their job prospects, current roles, and the growth of their revenue teams. But does the same hold for 2019, especially when media layoffs dominated the news? You tell us—fill out the survey today. Entries close July 13. Read more.
Top Stories
Are programmatic demand vendors becoming an endangered species like the Sirocco Kakapo parrot? Well, if they're not careful they just might be. Many SSPs aren't giving publishers the data they need to optimize their programmatic yield and meet revenue goals. Ad-Juster's Programmatic Scorecard evaluates the top 10 programmatic demand partners based on how well they meet the essential data publishers need to grow their businesses. Read more.
Direct sales are on the rise—which is great news! It’s just that orders are somehow becoming even more complicated, crossing a seemingly endless river of channels. Publishers need as much automation as possible in their workflows, and the tools are up to the task—particularly tighter integrations with advertiser planning and buying platforms. In these videos, Operative and Mediaocean demonstrate how technology, such as strong integrations with buy-side tools, can better facilitate direct sales management. Read more.
Register by July 19 to save on your seat for the digital media conference your ad ops and revenue peers are all attending, August 18-21, in Vancouver, BC. There'll be great keynotes including Ryan Pauley, CRO, Vox Media, talking about how publishers can build diverse businesses, and Marketing Strategy, Emerging Technology & Innovation Consultant, Jeremy Lockhorn discussing the implications of 5G on our interconnected future and what that means for ad tech and publishers' digital revenue efforts. Plus, a host of other topics focused on maximizing revenue and stepping up your game. Read more.
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