April 25, 2019
How to Hire and Train an Ad Ops Team That Everyone Will Love
While instinct might lead you to recruit people for ad ops who possess above average technical skills, most ad ops professionals—who have been in the game for a long time—will tell you that hiring for soft skills is equally, if not more important, than technical skill requirements. The right people for ad ops have a diverse skill set because they have to be both tactical and strategic—with the ability to enter data into a Google spreadsheet as well as make a presentation to the C Suite about how the latest privacy concerns might impact revenue. Read more.
When 5G Finally Gets Here It Will Be Awesome, But It Will Also Be Bad
5G, the supercharged fifth-generation of cellular wireless, is being touted as the next best thing since, well, since true 4G (because LTE really isn’t 4G after all, is it?). It will be the Hennessy Venom GT, which reaches up to 270 mph (or if you prefer a comic book reference, let’s try the Silver Surfer) of the mobile internet, promising to accelerate advancements in AI, blockchain, IOT and AR and VR, just to name a few. The reduced latency alone will speed up adoption of these technologies by consumers and businesses alike. But overall, 5G’s impact on digital media advertising is being watched closely with a side eye. Read more.
AdMonsters Webinar: Automating the Digital Direct Sale
Direct sales are on the rise—which is great news! It’s just that orders are somehow becoming even more complicated, crossing a seemingly endless river of channels. Publishers need as much automation as possible in their workflows, and the tools are up to the task—particularly tighter integrations with advertiser planning and buying platforms. Aligning your tech with your organization’s prerogatives while trying to maximize yield requires deft strategic vision, and Operative and AdMonsters are here to help you form that. Read more.
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The business of ad operations is a complex one, requiring various teams to coordinate their activities to align, compliment, and work in sync with each other well. In that regard, the successes of sales and ad ops are interlinked, as neither department can achieve its greatest height without the support of the other. And without effective communication across teams and a highly-structured workflow in place—there truly is no success. Here are some tips on making that relationship work. Read more.
The explosion in the blockchain-based marketing landscape over the past 18 months has brought an interesting dynamic to the already complex world of digital advertising. There has been a lot of hype, a lot of hot air, a lot of learning, and a few solutions showing early promise around this new and emerging technology. Blockchain-based advertising solutions have presented bold visions that aim to prove that they can disintermediate, bring transparency to the supply chain, reduce fraud, and bring new opportunities to market. With much focus on the immediate problems that this technology aims to remedy, there’s a more fundamental shift taking place in the evolution of the web toward a new, user-controlled web3 Internet. Read more.
The 2018 North American Publisher Salary Survey was enlightening while also surprisingly heartening—despite far-reaching dread about industry consolidation and the effect of data privacy regulations, respondents were quite upbeat about their job prospects, current roles, and the growth of their revenue teams. But does the same hold for 2019, especially when media layoffs dominated the news? You tell us—fill out the survey today. Read more.
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