April 4, 2019
Be Your Advertiser’s Chief Data Consultant
As programmatic markets mature and high-value targets require more effort to message, advertisers are realizing the limits of their own data. Once again they’re keen to hear publishers’ audience stories. But telling your audience story and truly serving as a consultant to advertisers these days requires advanced tactics: namely connecting data across various platforms, leveraging insights from external sources, and melding data with your advertiser. Read more.
To Automate or Not to Automate (Everything)
"Operations should always be looking to automate and no one wants to be stuck doing “manual” work," shares AdMonsters Chairman Rob Beeler. "However, we as an industry, have not reached a point where we can leave it all to the machines." Read more.
Digital Media and Advertising Outlook: The Latest Ad Ops and Revenue Trends
We talk to an awful lot of publishers at our Publisher Forums and other events. And in those conversations, we get deep into the weeds with them about their frustrations—like ad fraud, ad impression discrepancies, and ad quality. But we also speak with them about all the things that work really well and the many ways they’re innovating and finding ways to monetize content, despite the massive layoffs and consolidations all across digital media. So here at the outset of the Q2, when everybody in publishing isn't so buried in the planning or rush-to-the-finish stage, we thought it would be a good time to share a little bit of what we’ve learned. Read more.
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This playbook is for publishers, brands, and marketers who are looking for a snapshot of how location and programmatic fit together to create market-changing, consumer-forward approaches. In addition to helping publishers and advertisers understand the nuances of location data, this playbook represents a guide to the workings of private marketplaces and programmatic guaranteed, and also a look at what factors in the near future will further influence the world of location-based and programmatic ads. Read more.
Consent Management Platforms (CMP) have been cropping up rapidly in the wake of GDPR—(and soon CCPA)—as the tool du jour for aiding publishers in collecting and managing consumer consent and passing that data throughout the advertising ecosystem. For publishers working with multiple ad partners who need to enable user-level ad targeting, CMPs make things flow a little easier. Some CMPs even help publishers monetize users who haven’t opted in to share their data. Read more.
The 2018 North American Publisher Salary Survey was enlightening while also surprisingly heartening—despite far-reaching dread about industry consolidation and the effect of data privacy regulations, respondents were quite upbeat about their job prospects, current roles, and the growth of their revenue teams. But does the same hold for 2019, especially when media layoffs dominated the news? You tell us—fill out the survey today. Read more.
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