March 21, 2019
Publisher Forum Miami 2019: Ad Ops Innovation is People
A constant theme at Publisher Forum Miami 2019 focused on innovation in ad ops being driven by people—and not machines. And that’s whether we’re talking about customers or the ad ops teams making the magic of digital advertising happen. That's was the message brought home by Deepna Devkar, VP, Head of Data Science, Dotdash; Derek Gatts, Global Head of Advertising Innovation, Technology & Operations, Bloomberg; and Ishaan Sutaria, Founder, President/COO at Wave. Read more.
Developing a Programmatic Checklist for Clients
A few months back a programmatic checklist was created for the industry and posted to LinkedIn. The article sparked a conversation around what should go into a programmatic ad checklist. At Publisher Forum Miami 2019 we took a deeper dive into what a programmatic checklist should contain. Here’s what we came up with. Read more.
VeryMal Strikes Again With a New Twist on Its Complex Redirect Attack
Hacker VeryMal has been deploying some particularly nasty and sophisticated malvertising attacks all throughout 2009. We chatted with Confiant to understand what makes VeryMal's attacks particularly complicated, as well as how malvertisers are evolving. Read more.
Top Stories
People in ad ops have a clever way of making sense of their jobs through a pop cultural lens. Here are eight things you probably didn't know about ad ops told through gifs at Pub Forum Miami. These often hilarious (and sometimes scary) ideas were brainstormed in a lab at the Forum when groups of first-timers came together in workgroups to talk about how to simplify the revenue world by matching it up with our favorite movies, songs, actors, etc. Read more.
The 2018 North American Publisher Salary Survey was enlightening while also surprisingly heartening—despite far-reaching dread about industry consolidation and the effect of data privacy regulations, respondents were quite upbeat about their job prospects, current roles, and the growth of their revenue teams. But does the same hold for 2019, especially when media layoffs dominated the news? You tell us—fill out the survey today. Read more.
AdMonsters seeks nominations for the inaugural Catalyst Awards, honoring the best and brightest in the field! Digital advertising is the fastest growing marketing channel, spurred by rapid advances in technology. It takes people who can think fast on their feet to keep up with the changes and challenges in the field; those who find solutions that not only keep up with the pace but who can stay one step ahead. That’s why AdMonsters wants you to help us find the innovators—the catalysts—in digital media and advertising! Those in the field whom we admire and who inspire us. Read more.
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