February 21, 2019
How Can Publishers Tell a Better Audience Story?
For years publishers have sold advertising targeted around specific content, using available first-party data as the basis for establishing value around the opportunity. That value proposition is built around the scale of the audience, which boils down to selling pageviews, impressions and clicks. But your audience is a lot more than just views and demographics. The better you know your audience, the more engaged they will be with your content, and the more valuable the audience will be to your advertisers. These three steps will help you shape a better audience story for advertisers Read more.
Dotdash Has Publishing Down to a Science
Though her path to the publishing industry may seem unconventional, Dr. Deepna Devkar’s journey from academia to the corporate world has always been on a data-driven trajectory. During her keynote at the Miami Publisher Forum on Mar. 11, “Experimenting in the Revenue Lab With Data Science,” the Head of Data Science for Dotdash will share key steps for injecting science into publisher data programs. Read more.
The Ad Ops Quantum Leap
What does ad ops have in common with Nobel-Prize winning physicist Max Planck, the father of quantum theory? AdMonsters Chairman Rob Beeler swears it's not that big of a leap, and celebrates the greatest moments to be in ad ops: when we put on our lab coats and experiment. Read more.
Top Stories
Digital media can be a struggle for all players involved. The duopoly, plus the growing As—Apple and Amazon—continue to gobble up digital ad spend. Mergers, acquisitions and layoffs become the strategy du jour. Legacy brands face challenges too, as digital natives opt for digitally savvy upstarts that know exactly how to reach and engage them. What are buyers and sellers to do? The new kids on the block (aka DTC brands) came to the IAB Annual Leadership Meeting, along with some legacy brands and publishers who are figuring out how to navigate the digital landscape, to teach a few lessons about what it takes to be successful today. Class is now in session. Read more.
A recently reported fraud leveraging Ads.txt isn't novel, but it highlights an issue with exchanges that’s been lurking on the edges of debate, while also raising serious questions about the future of auction-based programmatic. Read more.
Digital media is looking forward to another year of impending doom as a fresh piece of confounding privacy regulation hangs over the space. The CCPA, which will affect any company that touches the data of at least 50,000 Californians a year, is in the middle of a statewide hearing tour at the moment and the cracks are increasingly showing in the reportedly hastily assembled piece of regulation. However, instead of screaming, "The data sky is falling!", Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway suggests we turn to an excellent blueprint for opt-in consent. Read more.
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