January 31, 2019
Massive Media Layoffs Are Further Fallout
There was little joy in Newsville last Friday as several major media operations announced massive layoffs. Digital-native darling BuzzFeed knocked off 15% of its staff, or around 250 jobs, while Verizon cut 7% of its media unit–800 souls from HuffPost, Yahoo and AOL. However, these layoffs need some context rather than just a howl of, “Damn you, Duopoly!” While drastic, they’re not quite signs to give up all hope on digital media; both Verizon’s media properties and BuzzFeed point to further fallout from previous missteps. Read more.
Bad Ads Took a Dip in Q3, Says Confiant, but Bad Actors Be Forewarned
Bad ads are a pretty terrible thing for the entire ad ops ecosystem. By 2025 ad fraud—malvertising redirects and malicious IBV to name a few—will cost advertisers more than $50bn, accounting for 30% share of the overall digital market, so warned The World Federation of Advertisers back in 2016. But according to Confiant’s Demand Quality Report Q3 2018, the rate of malicious impressions between Q2 and Q3 2018 saw a sizable dip. Read more.
Early bird rates for Publisher Forum Miami end tomorrow, Friday, Feb 1! 
Register before midnight to save on one of the few remaining seats for the digital media conference your ad ops & revenue peers are attending, March 10-13, in Miami Beach, Florida. There'll be great keynotes including Deepna Devkar, VP, Head of Data Science, Dotdash and former neuroscientist, with "Experimenting In The Revenue Lab With Data Science," and Jamie Gutfreund,Global CMO, Wunderman, speaking about "Do You Got What Brand Advertisers Need?" Plus, a host of other topics all focused on maximizing revenue. And don't forget the amazing offsite activities, featuring Catamaran Sail, Scratch DJ Academy, Graffiti Tour, Little Havana Food and Culture Tour and Art Deco South Beach Walking Tour.  Read more.
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What do brands like Harry's, Casper Mattress and Allbirds all have in common? They are all building a one-to-one connection with their customers in real-time that drives the basis of their business and their success. That was the theme of Mike Sands', CEO & Co-Founder of Signal, talk at Industry Preview "Identity: The Future Of Real-Time Engagement In The Age Of Going Direct." He says identity is a strategic layer and that DTC brands have one leg up on legacy brands because their playbook is focused on delivering individually-tailored messages instead of speaking to the masses and hopefuls (or breathers as he terms them). Read more.
Third-party data can be used to fill in the gaps of your first-party data, such as qualifying leads or modeling lookalike audiences. A combination of both data types helps you engage better with your current customers, and also get your message in front of new ones. But third-party data has never had a worse reputation in terms of quality than it does now. Here are five easy ways to know you’re getting top-notch stuff. Read more.
Instead of viewing GDPR and CCPA as more burdens, publishers should look at them as opportunities to dramatically improve user experience. The push towards opt-in consent for data collection and processing has been a long time coming, and should help mend the fractured relationship between media companies and their users.​ This playbook dives into GDPR compliance best practices as UX and privacy concerns and examines the ramifications of CCPA. Finally, the playbook ties privacy regulation compliance back to other revenue team user experience responsibilities, such as ad quality and malware prevention.​ Read more.
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