January 3, 2019
AdMonsters Playbook: Aligning Regulatory Compliance & User Experience
If digital media monetization was as easy as hooking up a slew of page placements to programmatic demand sources and just watching the revenue roll in, all of our lives would be far less stressful. We also probably wouldn’t have jobs. No, there is a nuance to digital media monetization—dare… Read more.
84% of Ad Ops Employees Would Leave Their Jobs for More Money
The 2018 edition of the AdMonsters North American Publisher Salary Survey is coming soon! We surveyed over 400 respondents from across the US working in ad operations in broadcast, digital, print, mobile, social and retail and learned that while 56% were somewhat satisfied with their compensation, 84% would consider changing jobs for a salary increase. Now, who was that who said money wasn't a motivator? Read more.
Mobile Traffic Boom Sort of Good News for Publishers
Worried that mobile traffic's rise will decrease desktop revenue? It just might, but there are definitely loads of opportunities -- like working with news aggregators and social networks -- to make up for the loss while meeting your audience on their mobile-first journey. Read more.
Top Stories
Were you worried that blockchain was all hat and no cattle? Look again—the decentralized ledger is disrupting the payments landscape while also overhauling reconciliation. At the same time, Senior Editor Lynne d Johnson points out a huge (but surmountable) challenge: speed. Read more.
There are plenty problems to be solved in the ad operations world, including issues like IVT, bad ads, malware, and much, much more. So at every Publisher Forum, we bring together all of the noobs (yes, I meant first-time attendees), put them into small workgroups, and open the gates for discussion and collaboration. Here's their take on some of the most pressing issues in ad ops—along with a few ways to solve them. Read more.
In the ad ops industry (aka “online ad operations," “online advertising operations," “ad operations,” “online ad ops," and “ops” in the trade)—things keep changing all the time. There’s a new regulation here, some new tech to learn about there and then a bunch of rejiggering the pipes to keep apace. And with all of those changes comes a slew of new terms and acronyms to learn. That’s why AdMonsters created the Decoder, a series that breaks down both the most basic and most complex aspects of ad ops. Read more.
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