November 1, 2018
Amazon’s Search Retargeting Sounds Like a Big ‘Ol Data Party
We're not going to call it a Duopoly for much longer. Amazon is further asserting its place among the rulers of ad tech by offering advertisers search-based retargeting on third-party sites, which is both a boon to advertisers and publishers. We probably should brand the three-headed beast ruling digital advertising revenue the "Troika." Read more here.
Blow Up Revenue in Q4 and Stay High in Q1
If the fourth quarter is a revenue party that's completely off the chain, the first quarter tends to be hangover that purges the depths of your soul. But what if we were to tell you that the bangin' party doesn't have to end? Check out our webinar with Roxot in which we explore multiple ways to take advantage of fourth-quarter volatility in the programmatic markets to not only boost that quarter's revenue, but keep flying high into the new year and beyond. Watch now.
Your Team Deserves Some PubForum Season Passes
We're throwing a pretty amazing Publisher Forum in Austin next week, and while there may be a seat or two left, you've probably got your eye on next year's events. We promise awesomeness in Miami in the spring; Vancouver in the summer; and Scottsdale in the fall. Oh, and could we forget that June brings Ops, which will somehow be EVEN BIGGER in 2019? Why not treat your revenue team to a season pass or two (or three or four or five or...) to get a discounted rate on all those primo events? More details here—they'll only be on sale until Dec. 1!
Top Stories
Worried that mobile traffic's rise will decrease desktop revenue? It just might, but there are definitely loads of opportunities -- like working with news aggregators and social networks -- to make up for the loss while meeting your audience on their mobile-first journey.
Were you worried that blockchain was all hat and no cattle? Look again—the decentralized ledger is disrupting the payments landscape while also overhauling reconciliation. At the same time, Senior Editor Lynne d Johnson points out a huge (but surmountable) challenge: speed.
Speaking of transparency—or the lack thereof—plenty of questions linger around the FBI raiding a major holding company's offices as it steps up its investigation into rebates and kickbacks in digital advertising. Gabe Greenberg suggests that if we're going to circle the wagons as the g-men close in, the industry should take the initiative to embrace technology that provides transparency across the supply chain—and demonstrate we are able to prevent fraud, waste, and abuse on our own.
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