October 11, 2018
Video Programmatic Guaranteed Rises
On a recent panel I moderated with some pretty impressive ad tech representation (if I do say so myself), my panelists were oddly uniform in arguing that programmatic guaranteed for digital video—especially served on connected TV or OTT—is the most exciting emerging transactional platform. Why? Because it's easy, I argue... Or it will be soon.
Delivering Malware Programmatically Is Too Easy
You know what unfortunately is already too easy? Delivering malware to publishers via the open programmatic marketplace. The latest high-profile case involves a fake company called "Amobi" (not to be confused with the legit Amobee) dropping malicious code through a wonky Claritin ad. As tempting as it is to roll your eyes, it's outrageous that such an obvious fraud easily spread malware across publishers. It's infuriating to contemplate how common this is.
Ranker Joins Our LA Pop-Up Forum Panel on UX
Ranker CTO Premesh Purayil joins Edmunds' Jennifer Dodez and GeoEdge's Jim Hirshfield to talk about user experience in a post-GDPR world—oh, and with other frightening regulation on the horizon! Sign up for this free event at Edmunds EdQuarters in Santa Monica on Ovt. 17 for both hot discussion and sizzling networking—West Coast-style.
Top Stories
Last week's news that AppNexus was "no longer participating" in the Advertising ID Consortium resulted in a lot of speculation that the group of shared-ID proponents were finished and universal IDs were doomed. Well, there's life left in the old girl yet—sources tell us that while AppNexus has foregone its leadership role in the consortium, member companies will thill have access to AppNexus' cookie-based ID.
In its eye-opening new report on ad quality , Confiant finds that 1 out of every 200 ad impressions from the open exchanges is malvertising. If 1 trillion ads are being served through the open marketplace monthly, Confiant estimates that 5 billion are malicious. Make sure you have smelling salts handy in case you faint while reading more...
The widespread availability of location data has long been the central lure of the mobile advertising space, but to be successful in an increasingly competitive mobile space, advertisers and publishers need to be thinking beyond location to an array of data points, including uses, transactions, and patterns over time. Verve EVP Mark Fruehan dives into why Movement Science is what's next as mobile becomes the dominant medium in advertising.
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