July 5, 2018
Death of DoubleClick, Birth of a Monster?
So Google is merging DoubleClick and AdExchange, creating Google Ad Manager (and creating an opportunity for loads of GAM jokes). Is this, Gavin Dunaway asks, a merger made in hell?? Here, he gives a shot at understanding Google's strategy, and publishers weigh in on where Google might be going with this.
AT&T Draws the Battle Lines
With AT&T ready to acquire AppNexus, are the duopoly's days numbered? It's too soon to tell. But with Congress broadening ISPs' capacity to handle user data, the big telecoms are in a position to create end-to-end ad buying solutions. And, says Gavin Dunaway, that's exactly what advertisers want.
I Went to Cannes Lions and All I Got Are These Hot Takes
The ad industry is changing, and so is Cannes Lions. With header bidding altering the way agencies do business, branded content in high demand, and GDPR doing... whatever it's doing, publishers and ops people are in the Cannes conversation more than ever. Yep, as Gavin Dunaway explains, Cannes is AdMonsters territory now.
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It's not your imagination—the redirect problem has been peaking in 2018. Publishers are turning to sandboxing as a fix. But sandboxing is only the beginning, considering redirects are just one of many ad quality concerns that need to be addressed now. Brian LaRue asks us to zoom out and broaden the conversation beyond just redirects.

Measuring and mitigating latency when it comes to header efforts can be tricky stuff. Gavin Dunaway spoke with PubMatic Architect Abhinav Sinha for some insider info about what makes this such a tricky issue, and what publishers can do on their own to manage header's effect on page speed.
This year's Ops showed us there are some big ways is seems like "everything is different now" in digital media, including GDPR, data partnerships, and the question of whether Facebook's future dominance is a given. But that means there are a lot of new strategies for digital media people to plot out. Brian LaRue tells us about what that means for the human side of the biz, not just the tech side.
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