June 28, 2018
I Went to Cannes Lions and All I Got Are These Hot Takes
The ad industry is changing, and so is Cannes Lions. With header bidding altering the way agencies do business, branded content in high demand, and GDPR doing... whatever it's doing, publishers and ops people are in the Cannes conversation more than ever. Yep, as Gavin Dunaway explains, Cannes is AdMonsters territory now.
AT&T Draws the Battle Lines
With AT&T ready to acquire AppNexus, are the duopoly's days numbered? It's too soon to tell. But when Congress broadened ISPs' capacity to handle user data, the big telecoms were given a position to create end-to-end ad buying solutions. And, says Gavin Dunaway, that's exactly what advertisers want.
Three Pillars of Ad Quality: Beyond Redirects

It's not your imagination—the redirect problem has been peaking in 2018. Publishers are turning to sandboxing as a fix. But sandboxing is only the beginning, considering redirects are just one of many ad quality concerns that need to be addressed now. Brian LaRue asks us to zoom out and broaden the conversation beyond just redirects.


Top Stories
Ops 2018 was a learning experience, and a deep one. But the cool thing about Ops is, we have fun with it. We pulled some of the best on-site photos and Tweets from June 4-5 to show you what we mean.
Brian LaRue reports back from an Ops panel that brought even more color and insight to the discussion about demand partner evaluation and ad quality. Even though AdMonsters just published a playbook on the subject, Ops shows us there's always more to add to the conversation.
In addition to providing an AI-powered tool for campaign and revenue optimization across the programmatic space, Simplaex's Rivr serves as a communication layer that could supplant the need for digital identifiers. Gavin Dunaway breaks down how this might level the playing field for supply-side tech players short on first-party data.
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