June 7, 2018
AdMonsters Playbook: Demand Partner Evaluation and Ad Quality

We listened to the conversations publishers had about how they're treating relationships with demand partners. We launched a survey for pubs to tell us more. And now!... This new playbook, developed with GeoEdge, lays out new ground rules for publisher/demand partner relations.


Ops 2018: Is Everything Different Now?
This year's Ops showed us there are some big ways it seems like "everything is different now" in digital media, including GDPR, data partnerships, and Facebook's role. But that means there are a lot of new strategies for digital media people to plot out. Brian LaRue tells us about what that means for the human side of the biz, not just the tech side.
"By Any Means Possible:" Onward With GDPR
GDPR's arrival hasn't burned the digital world down. But it has left us with less data in an industry that runs on data, with Google still calling a lot of shots. Rob Beeler looks at where this is pointing for publishers' future.
Top Stories
A new TechTarget report shows branding really makes a difference in B2B campaigns. But that requires quality data—and fortunately, publishers have that. Here's another chance for pubs to make good on the value of their data.
"The stakes have never been higher," Nucleus President and CEO Seth Rogin says of this moment in the fight to preserve real journalism. But he's confident in advertisers' willingness to invest in quality content in quality environments. He shared some inspiring words on the subject at Ops this week... and he shared some more with Gavin Dunaway here.

Did you miss the May 10 webinar on how publishers and their partners are managing the exploding day-to-day data, integrations and reporting demands of a modern digital business? Fear not—the replay video lives on! Watch and listen to the discussion with The Economist's Sergei Bachtin, Bustle's Kim Foster, and our sponsor Operative.


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