May 24, 2018
AdMonsters Announces the 2018 Power List
Your peers have spoken, your nominations have been pored over, and now the AdMonsters 2018 Power List has been announced. We'll be honoring the 58 people who made the list, for professional excellence and influence in digital media and advertising, at Ops on June 5. But for now, here's who you decided were the cream of the digital media crop.
Pubs Can Satisfy B2B Campaigns' Data Hunger Pangs
A new TechTarget report shows branding really makes a difference in B2B campaigns. But that requires quality data—and fortunately, publishers have that. Here's another chance for pubs to make good on the value of their data.
Seth Rogin Talks About High Stakes in Preserving Journalism
"The stakes have never been higher," Nucleus President and CEO Seth Rogin says of this moment in the fight to preserve real journalism. But he's confident in advertisers' willingness to invest in quality content in quality environments. Before he speaks at Ops, we asked him to share his thoughts.
Top Stories
The deadline for GDPR compliance is looming, and the trades continue to chide publishers for not being prepared enough. But considering the interpretation of the regulation has continually changed—and now Google has limited the number of ad tech vendors pubs can list in its consent management tool—Brian LaRue asks: How much of this is really publishers' fault?

Did you miss the May 10 webinar on how publishers and their partners are managing the exploding day-to-day data, integrations and reporting demands of a modern digital business? Fear not—the replay video lives on! Watch and listen to the discussion with The Economist's Sergei Bachtin, Bustle's Kim Foster, and our sponsor Operative.


In the latest installment of his Inside the Buy Side column, Gabe Greenberg lets us know what the heck agencies are thinking. Here, he speaks to Erica Schmidt, newly-tapped Global CEO of Cadreon, about the future of audience-based buying, the state of analytics at the agency level, and how the #TimesUp and #MeToo movements are touching agency culture.

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