March 29, 2018
Minding Your Demand Partners: Take Our Partner Evaluation/Ad Quality Survey
Publishers have so many demand partners to work with today... which can be challenging when you need to track down the source of redirects, bad creative, low fill rates, and other indicators of poor quality. How do you decide which of your partners can stay, and which need to be cut off? We want to know your methods! Take this quick survey, which will help us build out a playbook on demand partner evaluation and ad quality later this spring.
The Next Stage of Social Strategy: A Q&A With Claudia Page of Dailymotion (Part 2)
In the second of this three-part interview series, Claudia Page, Dailymotion's VP, Product and Partner Development, shows Gavin Dunaway a world outside of Facebook for content distribution and for getting traffic. Facebook, she says, has veered away from its most distinct core features, and there are pluses and minuses in that for publishers.
Deeper Into Programmatic: Where We Are With S2S, Programmatic Guaranteed
Let's take a look at where the digital media industry is with server-to-server integrations, programmatic guaranteed, and understanding who in the publisher org sells programmatic products, inspired and informed by what we heard at PubForum in Huntington Beach.
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The Google News Initiative is a mix of new and old offerings to boost quality news and root out disinformation. Also, Meredith will lay off 1,200 Time Inc. folks in a wide review of its portfolio. Vox already laid off some people in February, and now its publisher explains their strategy. Meanwhile, programmatic CPMs increased in 2017.
Blockchain promises a level of transparency the ad industry needs in order to clean up the supply chain. But it could disclose fees in a way that could hurt the business of some of those companies along the supply chain, even legit ones. Brian LaRue asks how much transparency is too much—and wonders how soon we need to answer that question.
The Honest Ads Act was introduced to Congress in October 2017 and hasn't been passed as of March 2018. But the call for Facebook to be more transparent about who's paying for political ads on its network brings it back into the spotlight. Here's what the act proposes, and what its supporters and opponents like or don't like about it.
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