February 15, 2018
PubForum Prep: Driving Revenue Through a User-First Mindset
When we talk about maintaining a quality user experience while maximizing monetization efforts, publishers have suggested for ages that these two goals oppose each other. Advertisers want to make sure their ads appear in prominent, unmissable positions--and users don't want anything getting in the way of the content they crave.…
What Are You—Media Person or Tech Person?
The one thing that probably made all those years trapped in Groundhog Day for Bill Murray’s character survivable is that autoplay audio video ads on the internet hadn’t been invented yet. My planned off-site activity in Huntington Beach? Surfing. My biggest fear is not the sharks, the cold or even…
PubForum Prep: Reframing the Brand Safety Debate
Brand safety is one of the hottest topics in digital media right now—in part because it’s not just one topic, but many. Brand safety isn’t only about content adjacency anymore. Marketers have their own goals that fall under the “brand safety” tab, some of them quite technical. And of course…
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In last week's webinar that AdMonsters hosted with sponsor Roxot, "Measuring Up to Revenue Analytics," we got into a new meaning of "WTF." As presenters Alex Kharitoshin (from Roxot) and Bodhi Short (from Cordless Media) explained, sometimes "WTF" stands for "Why the fall (in revenue)?" or "Where's the fill?" In…
Is LinkedIn the New Facebook (for Content Distribution)? LinkedIn is reportedly firming up relationships with publishers in the U.S. and the U.K., according to Digiday, and a growing number of publishers are getting more serious about using LinkedIn as a content distribution channel. (They’re not just B2B publishers, either). LinkedIn…
Real talk for a second: Whenever you hear me griping about the myriad things Facebook doesn’t do well, either for users or for its publisher partners, I’m probably subconsciously trying to convince myself of something. I’m a social media addict, and I suppose I have been ever since the Geocities…
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