January 8, 2021
12 Digital Media and Advertising Predictions for 2021
Now that ad spend is starting to pick back up, sellers and buyers have an eye toward the future. What will happen when the cookie crumbles? What will take its place? What will become of mobile attribution? Will OTT and CTV continue to rise? Oh, so many questions.  Well, here's a collection of predictions we put together from a few ad tech executives who wanted to share their vision for how things might shake out in 2021.  Read more.
First-Party Data and the Future of Advertising
When third-party cookies go away, authenticated users will by definition be in short supply, forcing advertisers to pay more to reach their target audiences. What about users who won’t log in and authenticate, a.k.a. the majority of audiences? That’s where the Privacy Sandbox comes in, to help with guests. Achieving this balance will help publishers earn programmatic ad revenue at current or even higher levels.  Read more.
Looking Into the Crystal Ball: The Current State of Media and What’s Next For 2021
With the growing tragedy that is the pandemic, numerous businesses, including advertising, experienced great challenges. The emergence of AI, the excitement around 5G, expectations put on Out-Of-Home, and other trends we all thought would become the cornerstones of 2020 were dramatically swept aside by COVID-19. Let's take a closer look at how consumer digital content consumption changed, as well as how advertisers' strategies adjusted along with the ad investments they make in hopes of getting closer to their audiences.  Read more.
Top Stories
When it became clear in 2020, that we wouldn't be able to meet in person for a while we created virtual opportunities for Monsters to get together and share ideas. One way we did this, back in June, was to virtually recreate Publisher Forum Wednesday Workshops. Another thing we did is make our Think Tank sessions from PubForum virtual. It's where we bring together groups of 10-12 director-level-and-up ad ops and rev ops folks for intimate hourlong discussions on a specific topic like consent management, first-party data, and top of everyone's minds—how to survive the pandemic and the cookiepocalypse. Read more.
In 2020, 3,000+ Monsters registered to attend one of AdMonsters webinars, with topics ranging from Identity to Privacy to Cookies, and more. As we come to the close of the year, we figured it was a good idea to roll up all these great webinars we had this year into one mega-post for the folks who weren't able to attend, and even for the ones who just want to revisit them. Read more.
In this video from PubForum+ on December 8, 2020, learn how thousands of publishers worldwide leverage Admiral VRM to engage and communicate with visitors to build 1st-party relationships and grow diversified revenue across paid subscriptions, donations, adblock recovery, email, registration Walls, identity and more. Read more.
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