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Real-Time Bidding

Supply-Side Audience Data Insertion? SpotX and Acxiom Say Oh Yeah

As the third-party tracking cookie continues its long, long farewell tour, advertisers and publishers alike are looking for replacement targeting solutions—particularly ones that won't steep them in the user privacy quagmire brought on by cookies. Tech providers seem to be meeting them with ingenuity, as evidenced by the latest partnership…

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Coronavirus’ Media Fallout Spreads

Coronavirus is hurdling toward a distressing crossroads. Even though people are more active online than probably ever before, many publishers can’t monetize the traffic because they can’t draw advertiser spend. All the data suggests publishers are going to have a hard time waiting this out till the advertising faucets turn…

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Jounce: Duplicate Auctions Still on the Rise

Most publishers these days seem more focused on culling demand partners and supply path optimization than adding Johnny-come-latelys into their headers, so we were surprised to see Jounce Media report that duplicative auctions are up. However, a closer examination revealed even more interesting trends. Read more about it.

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SSP and DSP Value Is in the Eye of the Publisher

As the main feeder exchanges settles at three—GAM, Amazon's Transparent Ad Marketplace (TAM), and Prebid—there’s a great deal more murkiness in the middle; even more cross-pollination as SSPs pine for advertiser spend and DSPs tighten their bonds with premium publishers. The question of “how many intermediaries are actually necessary?” is…

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Unified Auction Brings High Anxiety to GAM City

Before the news of Google’s ad department reorganization broke, publishers had already been getting quite itchy over the machinations of Google Ad Manager. Now outgoing Director of Product Development Jason Bigler officially announced in a blog a few weeks ago what publishers had been hearing from their GAM account managers: the…

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Client-Side vs. Server-Side? It’s a Draw

While it may come as no surprise that Google AdExchange generates the most programmatic revenue for U.S. publishers, when it comes to the battle between how much revenue is generated from client-side vs. server-side, we can pretty much call it even-Steven, according to a new report from Roxot called US…

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The New GAM Auction Logic

Many a publisher has gotten lost in pondering the ramifications of Google Ad Manager's move to first-price auctions and introduction of a "unified auction."In gauging the effect of this enormous industry shift, we've got to start with what we know—namely, what is actually changing. Cafe Media's Paul Bannister decided a…

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